Taras Shevchenko Memorial

Location and Aesthetic The statue dominates a traffic island by the corner of P St and 22 St. A series of shallow steps lead up to two works. The first is of an imposing man in a long coat stepping forward with his right foot. The pedestal beneath him explains the reasoning for the statue’s …
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Shall Not Be Denied

The upcoming year 2020 marks the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment being signed into law, which secured women’s right to vote. One exhibit that marks this milestone is ‘Shall Not Be Denied: Women and the Right to Vote,’ currently on display at the Library of Congress. The Library of Congress is already a must-see …
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18th St Shops Along my Walk

Part of my evening is always walking around the local neighborhood. Today I wanted to feature three stores that I like to stop by when I am out. All these stores are on 18th Street. Lost City Books This is our nearby used bookstore. They house every genre on their two floors, and the sections …
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Art-Gazing in DC Galleries

Welcome to Washington, DC, home of hundreds of museums and art galleries. There is so much to do and see (and eat) in this city it’s hard to even begin to plan your itinerary. May we suggest adding some art-gazing to your DC to-do list?  Whether you’re looking for a wide scope of American art …
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Postal Progress

Postal History In the majestic collection of Smithsonian Museums, there is the often-overlooked National Postal Museum. The National Postal Museum features the history of our Postal System. Potential visitors may not feel the same level of enthusiasm as for the visiting, say, the National Air and Space Museum, but it is well worth the trip. …
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Autumn in DC

Yes, summer is going strong with heats that rival passion. But let’s take a couple of minutes to think about the reprieve that autumn will bring along with the harvest. I look forward to the nice long drives, falling leaves, and beautiful colors. That and the drop in temperature. Fall brings a bountiful harvest, Halloween …
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Food for the Head and the Stomach

DC is fortunate to have many wonderful independent bookstores. Some sell new books, some used, some both. Regardless, these bookstores contribute to DC’s vibrant feel. Here at the American Guest House, both our staff and guests appreciate the value of a good book. Therefore, I would like to spend some time featuring the amazing bookstores …
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Eggs and the perfect pairing

Welcome back to another wonderful blog by yours truly. Today lets talk eggs, breakfast and the perfect pairing. I guess we should start with the history of breakfast and how it has evolved over the years. Curious by nature as I am, I first looked at what constitutes breakfast. Well, it ranges from cold/hot cereal …
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