AFCEA & INSA Intelligence and National Security Summit 2015

This September 9th-10th, 2015, AFCEA International and the Intelligence and National Security Alliance (INSA) will host their second annual Intelligence and National Security Summit on the State of U.S. Intelligence at the Washington Convention Center in Washington, DC.

Federal officials often stress the importance of strong public and private sector relations, and the security sphere is a particularly important instance of where these bonds need to be properly and securely fastened. The Intelligence and National Security Summit fosters open dialogue between federal Intelligence agencies and private sector groups so that all parties, including foreign partners, understand the effects that new policies will have as they work into the future.

Each plenary session will feature key insights from decorated and distinguished guests from Congress and the Intelligence community. Wednesday, September 9th’s first plenary session on the state of U.S. Intelligence will feature the honorable Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, followed by an exhibit break and three breakout sessions (featuring three different tracks; a cyber track, innovation track, and policy track) which reconvene after lunch.

Wednesday’s afternoon plenary session on the state of U.S. Defense Intelligence will discuss the changing roles the U.S. Defense Intelligence Enterprise faces in the hegemony battles in today’s cold geopolitical environment. Discussing this issue will be RADM Steven Andersen, USCG, Assistant Commandant for the U.S. Coast Guard, BGen Michael Groen, USMC, Director of Intelligence, LTG Mary Legere, Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence Headquarters, B. Lynn Wright, Deputy Director of Naval Intelligence Headquarters, and Marcel Lettre, Acting Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence.

Thursday’s sessions will feature a View from Congress with Senator Dianne Feinstein, Congressman Devin Nunes, and Congressman Adam Schiff, a View from the Homeland featuring Kshemendra, Paul, and a closing plenary sessions featuring the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, John Brennan, Director of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, Robert Cardillo, and many other insightful national intelligence officials.

If you’re located within a few-state’s vicinity of Washington, DC, mark your calendar with this convention as one to not miss as the rest of the 2015 AFCEA conventions following this one will take place in Florida, Germany, Hawaii and Bulgaria, so unless you’re willing to schlep out to DC from Eastern Europe, register to secure your spot today.

Ella—innkeeper at American Guest House—your Washington DC Bed and Breakfast Inn

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